Moving from a house to an apartment can be a big (or smaller) transition in your life. Whether you are downsizing to save money or are moving to a new area, making the move from a larger space to a small shared space can be a real headache. Check out what Student Movers has to say about downsizing from a house to an apartment.
Compare Floorplans
Make sure you’re going to have room for all of the furniture and belongings you want to take with you before you move. Compare floorplans, square footage, ceiling height, and available wall space. Knowing how much space you have to work with is crucial in evaluating what furniture you will take with you to your new home.
Clear Out That Garage
One of the biggest differences between a home and an apartment is garage space and a lack of personal yard space. You’ll no longer need the lawn mower, weed whacker, leaf blower, rake or garden hose, so you’ll have to decide what you’ll do with your belongings. If you don’t see a need to store them, try selling them on craigslist or at a garage sale. Consider discussing a garage sale with your neighbors and advertising it in the Penny Saver or online. Why not make some extra cash to help pay for that security deposit?
Learn to Stack and Hang
Using space efficiently is one of the biggest tricks to downsizing with style. Try mounting items on walls to save floorspace, buying stacking drawers for small items like toiletries, or hanging things from the ceiling, like pots and pans. The more space you can use efficiently, the less you’ll have to store or sell.
Choose the Right Place
Are you staying in the same town to be near to friends, family, work and school? Are you moving to a new city and getting a fresh start? Either way, consider your apartment or condominium complex and evaluate it for all sorts of things that weren’t a concern in your home; parking, noise level, crime rate, freeway access, utilities, laundry facilities, and amenities such as a pool or fitness center. Rank these items with your family or roommates and decide what is most important to you. Apartments at the end of a unit tend to be quiter, as you only share one wall with neighbors. Also, consider what time of year and for how long you will be living at your new residence. Do you want to live in a beach city during the summer, or maybe a mountain town for the winter?
Check With Family and Friends
When you’re moving and downsizing, check with family and friends to see if they can either help with the move or temporarily store some items for you. Make sure you know if they are going to be using your belongings or storing them, to avoid any messy conflict when you come to get your stuff back. Make sure that any children involved in the move understand why you’re moving, and emphasize the positives – like maybe a new pool or playground just outside the door.
Whatever your reason for moving from a home to an apartment, downsizing can be a stressful time for everyone involved. Know that Student Movers is always here to help, and check out our article on storage units and considering your options before you make any commitments.